Tithe Applotment
There were no Ruddens listed on the Tithe Applotment records for Coolcanadas/Coolcanadis.
Griffith’s Valuation

See also neighbouring Dresternagh Townland (Charles Rudden)
Census 1901
Residents of house 3 in Coolcandoes (Drumcarn, Cavan)
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Surname | Forename | Age | Sex | Relation to head | Religion |
Rudden | Michael | 60 | Male | Head of Family | Roman Catholic |
Rudden | Bridget | 55 | Female | Wife | Roman Catholic |
Rudden | Bernard | 16 | Male | Son | Roman Catholic |
Rudden | Alice | 28 | Female | Daughter | Roman Catholic |
Rudden | Kate | 14 | Female | Daughter | Roman Catholic |
1911 Census
Residents of house 7 in Coolcanadas (Drumcarn, Cavan)
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Surname | Forename | Age | Sex | Relation to head | Religion |
Rudden | Michael | 72 | Male | Head of Family | Roman Catholic |
Rudden | Owen | 29 | Male | Son | Roman Catholic |
Rudden | Alice | 38 | Female | Daughter | Roman Catholic |
Rudden | Kate | 26 | Female | Daughter | Roman Catholic |
Clog making in Coolcanadas…Read here:
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