1821 Census
Residents of house 27 in Drumkirk (Lavey, Cavan)
Surname | Forename | Age | Relation to head | |
Rudin | Luke | 27 | – | Farmer |
Rudin | Margt | 26 | Wife | – |
Muligan | Mary | 50 | Mother In Law | Spinner |
Griffith’s Valuation

1901 Census
Residents of house 6 in Drumhirk (Stradone, Cavan)
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Surname | Forename | Age | Sex | Relation to head | Religion |
Ruddy | Cathrine | 37 | Female | Head of Family | Roman Catholic |
Ruddy | Luke | 21 | Male | Son | Roman Catholic |
Ruddy | Rose Anne | 18 | Female | Daughter | Roman Catholic |
Ruddy | Patrick | 14 | Male | Son | Roman Catholic |
1911 Census
Residents of house 11 in Drumhirk (Stradone, Cavan)
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Surname | Forename | Age | Sex | Relation to head | Religion |
Ruddy | Maria | 25 | Female | Head of Family | Roman Catholic |
Ruddy | Mary Anne | 3 | Female | Daughter | Roman Catholic |
The name here seems to vary between each major record from Rudin to Ruddy but it seems probable that this is the same same family.
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